Distraught Shiva Carry the Body The Sati on His Shoulder-Creation of The Shakti Peethas
Distraught Shiva Carry the Body The Sati on His Shoulder-Creation of The Shakti Peethas
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Uploaded: Apr 4 2022
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The distraught Shiva traverses the three lokas. His wife, the beautiful Sati, lies limp and lifeless on His left shoulder. The eight arms of Shiva - He is the ashtabhujadhari - flays about Him in this mad state. The left foot crushes down upon the seated Apasmara, the personification of avidya (ignorance). Sculpted from bronze in the traditional Swamimalai studios, this murti is a narrative of how Shakteepeethas came to be. Legend has it that the tandava of the grief-stricken husband dismembered Sati’s corpse, parts of which landed at different points in ihaloka (mortal realm of existence). These today are the Shakteepeethas. This Sati-Shivatandava murti is one of a kind. Every line and detail of this work has been executed by hand. Note the superb, lifelike musculature; the handsome and expressive features of Shiva’s countenance; and the minimal yet neatly defined adornments on His mostly bare body. The lotus-on-the quadrilateral plinth is a hallmark of the traditional Indian bronze sculpture.

Shiva Sati Bronze Statue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/product/sculptures/47-large-distraught-shiva-carry-body-sati-on-his-shoulder-creation-of-shakti-peethas-handmade-zeq561/

Shiva Statue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/hindu/shiva/

Hindu God: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/hindu/

Indian Art: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/

#shivasatistatue #statue #bronzestatue #shivastatue #satistatue #shaktipeethas #handmade #hindugod #hindugoddess #swamimalai #largestatue
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Views: 643
Uploaded: Apr 4 2022
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The distraught Shiva traverses the three lokas. His wife, the beautiful Sati, lies limp and lifeless on His left shoulder. The eight arms of Shiva - He is the ashtabhujadhari - flays about Him in this mad state. The left foot crushes down upon the seated Apasmara, the personification of avidya (ignorance). Sculpted from bronze in the traditional Swamimalai studios, this murti is a narrative of how Shakteepeethas came to be. Legend has it that the tandava of the grief-stricken husband dismembered Sati’s corpse, parts of which landed at different points in ihaloka (mortal realm of existence). These today are the Shakteepeethas. This Sati-Shivatandava murti is one of a kind. Every line and detail of this work has been executed by hand. Note the superb, lifelike musculature; the handsome and expressive features of Shiva’s countenance; and the minimal yet neatly defined adornments on His mostly bare body. The lotus-on-the quadrilateral plinth is a hallmark of the traditional Indian bronze sculpture.

Shiva Sati Bronze Statue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/product/sculptures/47-large-distraught-shiva-carry-body-sati-on-his-shoulder-creation-of-shakti-peethas-handmade-zeq561/

Shiva Statue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/hindu/shiva/

Hindu God: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/hindu/

Indian Art: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/

#shivasatistatue #statue #bronzestatue #shivastatue #satistatue #shaktipeethas #handmade #hindugod #hindugoddess #swamimalai #largestatue