Vajrayogini Brass Statue - Tibetan Buddhist Deity
Vajrayogini Brass Statue - Tibetan Buddhist Deity
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Uploaded: Jun 15 2022
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This image is that of Dakini Vajrayogini. A Dakini is the most important female principle in Tantric Buddhism, representing the ever-changing flow of female energy. They are the guardians of teachings and are considered the supreme embodiments of wisdom. The Dakini can help change human weaknesses into wisdom and understanding, and the concept of self into enlightened energy. There are two kinds of dakinis-supramundane or "beyond worldly," and mundane, or "worldly," ones. The second is usually referred to as yoginis. Yoginis are mystical partners of yogis, to whom they give secret wisdom and magical powers. There are three different types of Vajrayogini, according to how three different masters viewed her. One of these masters was Mahasiddha Naropa who received his teachings from Vajrayogini around the eleventh century. His disciples began calling this aspect of Vajrayogini as Naro Kha Chod, or Naro Sky Goer, according to the vision and teachings of Naropa. The teachings of Naro Kha Chod were first introduced into Tibet by the Nepalese brothers named Pom Ting. There thus followed a lineage of teachings of Naro Kha Chod that continues to the present day. She is very popular, and all sects follow her practice.

Vajrayogini Brass Statue:

Buddha Statue:

Brass Statue:

#vajrayoginistatue #vajrayoginibrass #brasstatue #tibetanbuddhist #buddhiststatue #vajrayoginibrassstatue #buddhistdiety #statues #sculptures
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Views: 518
Uploaded: Jun 15 2022
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
This image is that of Dakini Vajrayogini. A Dakini is the most important female principle in Tantric Buddhism, representing the ever-changing flow of female energy. They are the guardians of teachings and are considered the supreme embodiments of wisdom. The Dakini can help change human weaknesses into wisdom and understanding, and the concept of self into enlightened energy. There are two kinds of dakinis-supramundane or "beyond worldly," and mundane, or "worldly," ones. The second is usually referred to as yoginis. Yoginis are mystical partners of yogis, to whom they give secret wisdom and magical powers. There are three different types of Vajrayogini, according to how three different masters viewed her. One of these masters was Mahasiddha Naropa who received his teachings from Vajrayogini around the eleventh century. His disciples began calling this aspect of Vajrayogini as Naro Kha Chod, or Naro Sky Goer, according to the vision and teachings of Naropa. The teachings of Naro Kha Chod were first introduced into Tibet by the Nepalese brothers named Pom Ting. There thus followed a lineage of teachings of Naro Kha Chod that continues to the present day. She is very popular, and all sects follow her practice.

Vajrayogini Brass Statue:

Buddha Statue:

Brass Statue:

#vajrayoginistatue #vajrayoginibrass #brasstatue #tibetanbuddhist #buddhiststatue #vajrayoginibrassstatue #buddhistdiety #statues #sculptures