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→Mood: Neutral
→Currently: Well I’m not in jail yet if that’s what you’re getting at.
→Thought: ”Same shit just more of it. Seems like that’s becoming the story of my life these days”
→Name: Ollie Harper
→Alias: Hot Shot
→Nicknames (that I’ll let you call me...): Hot Shot, Oll/Ol,Ollz, Harper,Archer Amigo, Olliepops, Pain-in-the-ass (hey I heard it enough so why not?), and ladies you can call me whatever you want ;)
→Age: 17
→Gender: Male ♂
→Hair-Color: redish brown.
→Eye-Color: Blue-green
→Hometown: Jump City
→Current Residence: Star City
→I work with:
→→Former Teen Titan
→→Former H.I.V.E. student
→→Currently a freelance archer.
→→The Rebels
→→Queen Industries part-time

→Food: Hmm.... pizza or ribs...
→Pizza Topping: Pepperoni
→Drink: Mountain Dew Code Red
→Band: My band, ”The Rebels”
→Movie: I like comedies and action films
→TV Channel: MTV
→Book: You’ve gotta be kidding me... -.-
→Superhero: Green Arrow
→Sport: Archery
→Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Extreme
→Arrow: Heat Seeking Arrow.
→Thing I Own: My bow and quiver packed with kick ass trick arrows!
→Things to do: Chill, listen to music, tick people off...,proving people wrong *smirks*

→Nicknames: Speedy, ’Hot Pants’, Oliver, Olive,Olivia, Apron... and that’s all I can think of... call me something else and I don’t like it and you’ll know the hard way.
→Food: Salad
→Drink: Not big on smoothies...
→Music: Anything to do with Kids Bop, and country.
→Movies:Anything overly girly or boring as hell...
→TV Show:Kids shows or any home improvement about boring
→Sport: NASCAR... just makes me think of beer and wasted rednecks... do I look like a hillbilly to you?!
→Ice Cream Flavor: Pistachio.
→Place to be: At school, probably why I dropped out.
→Arrow: Tumbleweed Arrow... yes it’s pointless so it’s best not to ask...
→Thing to do: be forced to suck up/kiss ass to anyone, take orders, be told how to run my life.

▼▼▼▼▼▼THE REBELS▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
♫ Me- Lead guitarist/some vocal
♫ JJ- Drums
♫ Eb- Bass guitarist/some vocal
♫ Lily- Keyboards

A message to all those who wanna tell me how to live my life...:
┌∩┐-_ -┌∩┐
Member Since
 United States
Jump City
Jump City
Fuck that, I dropped out.
Kickin ass and taking names. Part time at Jump City Records, full time bad ass.
Jump City Records, me myself and I.
pissing people off, being a pain in the ass, proving people wrong, hitting on the ladies, archery.
Favorite Movies & Shows
Eh whatever’s on.
Favorite Music
I have a very eclectic taste in music. Rap, Rock, some Alternative, some Metal, some Electronic. It all depends on my mood.
Favorite Books
Pfff... please, is that a serious question?
Flag This User — cancel
Select the category that most closely reflects your concerns so we can review it and determine if it violates the Society Guidelines
→Mood: Neutral
→Currently: Well I’m not in jail yet if that’s what you’re getting at.
→Thought: ”Same shit just more of it. Seems like that’s becoming the story of my life these days”
→Name: Ollie Harper
→Alias: Hot Shot
→Nicknames (that I’ll let you call me...): Hot Shot, Oll/Ol,Ollz, Harper,Archer Amigo, Olliepops, Pain-in-the-ass (hey I heard it enough so why not?), and ladies you can call me whatever you want ;)
→Age: 17
→Gender: Male ♂
→Hair-Color: redish brown.
→Eye-Color: Blue-green
→Hometown: Jump City
→Current Residence: Star City
→I work with:
→→Former Teen Titan
→→Former H.I.V.E. student
→→Currently a freelance archer.
→→The Rebels
→→Queen Industries part-time

→Food: Hmm.... pizza or ribs...
→Pizza Topping: Pepperoni
→Drink: Mountain Dew Code Red
→Band: My band, ”The Rebels”
→Movie: I like comedies and action films
→TV Channel: MTV
→Book: You’ve gotta be kidding me... -.-
→Superhero: Green Arrow
→Sport: Archery
→Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Extreme
→Arrow: Heat Seeking Arrow.
→Thing I Own: My bow and quiver packed with kick ass trick arrows!
→Things to do: Chill, listen to music, tick people off...,proving people wrong *smirks*

→Nicknames: Speedy, ’Hot Pants’, Oliver, Olive,Olivia, Apron... and that’s all I can think of... call me something else and I don’t like it and you’ll know the hard way.
→Food: Salad
→Drink: Not big on smoothies...
→Music: Anything to do with Kids Bop, and country.
→Movies:Anything overly girly or boring as hell...
→TV Show:Kids shows or any home improvement about boring
→Sport: NASCAR... just makes me think of beer and wasted rednecks... do I look like a hillbilly to you?!
→Ice Cream Flavor: Pistachio.
→Place to be: At school, probably why I dropped out.
→Arrow: Tumbleweed Arrow... yes it’s pointless so it’s best not to ask...
→Thing to do: be forced to suck up/kiss ass to anyone, take orders, be told how to run my life.

▼▼▼▼▼▼THE REBELS▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
♫ Me- Lead guitarist/some vocal
♫ JJ- Drums
♫ Eb- Bass guitarist/some vocal
♫ Lily- Keyboards

A message to all those who wanna tell me how to live my life...:
┌∩┐-_ -┌∩┐
Member Since
 United States
Jump City
Jump City
Fuck that, I dropped out.
Kickin ass and taking names. Part time at Jump City Records, full time bad ass.
Jump City Records, me myself and I.
pissing people off, being a pain in the ass, proving people wrong, hitting on the ladies, archery.
Favorite Movies & Shows
Eh whatever’s on.
Favorite Music
I have a very eclectic taste in music. Rap, Rock, some Alternative, some Metal, some Electronic. It all depends on my mood.
Favorite Books
Pfff... please, is that a serious question?

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