Desert pitching on the phone with no oasis. Real Estate Jam Session Podcast guest Richard Blank
Desert pitching on the phone with no oasis. Real Estate Jam Session Podcast guest Richard Blank
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Uploaded: Oct 3 2022
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Clients need to relax your delivery and drink your rhetoric.

Joe Killinger: Yeah, finding those people and making sure they have, We have a bad habit as real estate agents. We are, you know, we're a type personalities are entrepreneurs, most of them, and that I run into, and so they just go, go, go, go, go. But if they've got a great individual like you're talking about, you really want to give them the opportunity to really enhance the experience that they're trying to create for you.

Joe Killinger: Really give 'em the proper training. And I think we, we tend to not do that. And so having the proper training, I think is.

Richard Blank: Oh, I couldn't agree with you more. It reduces fear. Yeah, it prepares them. And, um, let me share something with you. Since I'm a CEO of a company like yourself, we have leverage. We can hire and fire, make or break somebody.

Richard Blank: And I choose with this sort of position to encourage and to move people forward. And so these individuals, and I break the stereotype because a lot of people say, Wow, you are so hands on and you know people's names and you break bread with them. And I say, Well, As you and I do, Joe. Yeah. We break bread with our people.
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Views: 585
Uploaded: Oct 3 2022
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Clients need to relax your delivery and drink your rhetoric.

Joe Killinger: Yeah, finding those people and making sure they have, We have a bad habit as real estate agents. We are, you know, we're a type personalities are entrepreneurs, most of them, and that I run into, and so they just go, go, go, go, go. But if they've got a great individual like you're talking about, you really want to give them the opportunity to really enhance the experience that they're trying to create for you.

Joe Killinger: Really give 'em the proper training. And I think we, we tend to not do that. And so having the proper training, I think is.

Richard Blank: Oh, I couldn't agree with you more. It reduces fear. Yeah, it prepares them. And, um, let me share something with you. Since I'm a CEO of a company like yourself, we have leverage. We can hire and fire, make or break somebody.

Richard Blank: And I choose with this sort of position to encourage and to move people forward. And so these individuals, and I break the stereotype because a lot of people say, Wow, you are so hands on and you know people's names and you break bread with them. And I say, Well, As you and I do, Joe. Yeah. We break bread with our people.