Positive Talk Radio introduces guest CEO Richard Blank Costa Rica's Call Center
Positive Talk Radio introduces guest CEO Richard Blank Costa Rica's Call Center
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Uploaded: Sep 26 2022
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The following presentation has brought you by KM media.pro, please visit KM media.pro for more inform. Now stay right where you are as we present.

Welcome to positive talk, radio, evolving ideas, one conversation at a time, great guests, dynamic stories and interviews. Plus new thoughts on a wide range of topics and concepts. I hope that you'll hang with me. Kevin McDonald, my friends. And of course you, as together, we work to understand why we are all here and what we can.

To make our world a better place for all of us to be happy, be kind and live in peace together. Yep. That's positive talk radio.

Until another episode of positive talk radio, we are gonna have an extraordinarily good time. And I hope that you'll stay with us the entire episode, because I've got a guy that is really, really talented in what he does. His name is Richard blank. He is a chief executive officer. He's a CEO. I, I don't get to talk to a lot of CEO.

It'll be fun. He's uh, he is a CEO of, uh, Costa Rica's call center, which is a huge call center. And it, uh, he teaches people that the, the indigenous people down there, how to speak English, how to sell, how to do all kinds of stuff. Um, he, his, uh, website Costa Rica's call center. You, he can. Just about anything in the service world that you can think of.

I was going through it. It's like, wow, they do that. Oh man, they do that. They do. They from web design to sales, to all kinds of different things. It's just really is remarkable. So, so Richard blank, how are you, sir? I'm doing great. Thank you so much, Kevin, for having me on this show. How in the world did you end up in Costa Rica?

Whew. Well, if you can get past your parents guilt, you can pretty much live anywhere in the world. So that's the first thing, but, uh, no, my story began in Northeast Philadelphia back in 1991. When I graduated Abington high school, I. My favorite class was in Spanish. So I decided to double down on it at the university of Arizona, the Spanish communication major.

And when I was 27, I had a one in a million opportunity to come down here for a couple months to work at my friend's call center. And a couple months turned into four years at his center and 22 years total. In Costa Rica. And so I've been in business for 14 years with my own center and no one really decides to be CEO of a call center.

You kind of fall into it, but since English
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Views: 582
Uploaded: Sep 26 2022
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The following presentation has brought you by KM media.pro, please visit KM media.pro for more inform. Now stay right where you are as we present.

Welcome to positive talk, radio, evolving ideas, one conversation at a time, great guests, dynamic stories and interviews. Plus new thoughts on a wide range of topics and concepts. I hope that you'll hang with me. Kevin McDonald, my friends. And of course you, as together, we work to understand why we are all here and what we can.

To make our world a better place for all of us to be happy, be kind and live in peace together. Yep. That's positive talk radio.

Until another episode of positive talk radio, we are gonna have an extraordinarily good time. And I hope that you'll stay with us the entire episode, because I've got a guy that is really, really talented in what he does. His name is Richard blank. He is a chief executive officer. He's a CEO. I, I don't get to talk to a lot of CEO.

It'll be fun. He's uh, he is a CEO of, uh, Costa Rica's call center, which is a huge call center. And it, uh, he teaches people that the, the indigenous people down there, how to speak English, how to sell, how to do all kinds of stuff. Um, he, his, uh, website Costa Rica's call center. You, he can. Just about anything in the service world that you can think of.

I was going through it. It's like, wow, they do that. Oh man, they do that. They do. They from web design to sales, to all kinds of different things. It's just really is remarkable. So, so Richard blank, how are you, sir? I'm doing great. Thank you so much, Kevin, for having me on this show. How in the world did you end up in Costa Rica?

Whew. Well, if you can get past your parents guilt, you can pretty much live anywhere in the world. So that's the first thing, but, uh, no, my story began in Northeast Philadelphia back in 1991. When I graduated Abington high school, I. My favorite class was in Spanish. So I decided to double down on it at the university of Arizona, the Spanish communication major.

And when I was 27, I had a one in a million opportunity to come down here for a couple months to work at my friend's call center. And a couple months turned into four years at his center and 22 years total. In Costa Rica. And so I've been in business for 14 years with my own center and no one really decides to be CEO of a call center.

You kind of fall into it, but since English