2 Blu Rays & 14 DVDs That I Added To My Movie Collection Recently
2 Blu Rays & 14 DVDs That I Added To My Movie Collection Recently
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Views: 1,087
Uploaded: Jun 18 2021
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#BluRay #DVDs #PhysicalMedia
Hello everyone, In this video of mine, I show y'all the two movies that I got on Blu Ray on June 18th, 2021 and the 14 DVDs that I got on June 16th, 2021. In total, I have 16 movies that I added to my movie collection recently. I'm proud, happy, and very thankful to get all of these movies to my movie collection recently!

This was originally recorded on my new computer and added on here the same day on June 18th, 2021. I hope all of you will truly enjoy this video of mine. If y'all did, feel free to comment, like / rate this video, and of course subscribe to my TheVideoGamer64 channel on here to see more gaming content, movie content, and other content on this channel of mine, and I also want to thank all of you very much from the bottom of my heart for subscribing to my channel and watching my videos over the years. It truly and really means a whole lot to me! More content will be coming to this channel. Enjoy the video everyone, and remember to KEEP GAMING AND KEEP ON COLLECTING WHATEVER Y'ALL LOVE COLLECTING! :)
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Views: 1,087
Uploaded: Jun 18 2021
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Rating: 1.75/5 ~ Votes: 5
Videos: 34
Subscribers: 36
#BluRay #DVDs #PhysicalMedia
Hello everyone, In this video of mine, I show y'all the two movies that I got on Blu Ray on June 18th, 2021 and the 14 DVDs that I got on June 16th, 2021. In total, I have 16 movies that I added to my movie collection recently. I'm proud, happy, and very thankful to get all of these movies to my movie collection recently!

This was originally recorded on my new computer and added on here the same day on June 18th, 2021. I hope all of you will truly enjoy this video of mine. If y'all did, feel free to comment, like / rate this video, and of course subscribe to my TheVideoGamer64 channel on here to see more gaming content, movie content, and other content on this channel of mine, and I also want to thank all of you very much from the bottom of my heart for subscribing to my channel and watching my videos over the years. It truly and really means a whole lot to me! More content will be coming to this channel. Enjoy the video everyone, and remember to KEEP GAMING AND KEEP ON COLLECTING WHATEVER Y'ALL LOVE COLLECTING! :)