A progressive type leader in a call center? Positive Talk Radio guest Richard Blank Costa Rica BPO.
A progressive type leader in a call center? Positive Talk Radio guest Richard Blank Costa Rica BPO.
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Uploaded: Sep 26 2022
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From your bio and from everything that I've, I've read about you, you are a progressive type leader that, that works with people to get the best out of them and, and to help them to become the best that they can be. Sure. And, and that's, that's go ahead. Well, I was gonna say, as a CEO, you have leverage Kevin, you can hire and fire somebody make or break them.

And I'm not the kind of guy that would like to embarrass somebody on the floor or make them. Or even make them quit. My goal is to delegate and define individuals here that shine. So all I can do is discover ways to promote them and get the best out of them. Of course.
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Views: 707
Uploaded: Sep 26 2022
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From your bio and from everything that I've, I've read about you, you are a progressive type leader that, that works with people to get the best out of them and, and to help them to become the best that they can be. Sure. And, and that's, that's go ahead. Well, I was gonna say, as a CEO, you have leverage Kevin, you can hire and fire somebody make or break them.

And I'm not the kind of guy that would like to embarrass somebody on the floor or make them. Or even make them quit. My goal is to delegate and define individuals here that shine. So all I can do is discover ways to promote them and get the best out of them. Of course.