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In Hinduism, Religion Rasaleela is an interesting phenomenon. It refers to the ihalokiya (earthly) conduct - ‘leela’ - of the Vishnu-avatara Krishna. The word ‘rasa’ translates to aesthetics. As such, ‘rasaleela’ refers to the aesthetic depiction of Krishnaleela. The painting that you see on this page is of the image that first occurs to the mind when a devotee hears the word rasaleela
In Hinduism, Religion Rasaleela is an interesting phenomenon. It refers to the ihalokiya (earthly) c
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A young lady of distinctly noble bearing has stepped into the Shivamandir to pay her respects. She has duteously risen, dressed up, and arrived at the temple of her Lord at the crack of dawn. Within the bonds of her silence and sadhana, her roopa takes on an ethereal glow. She has lit the gold ghee lamp before Him. With her fair hands she lifts up the tiny basket of freshly plucked flowers that sh
A young lady of distinctly noble bearing has stepped into the Shivamandir to pay her respects. She h
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Uploaded: 4 years ago
Such was the depth of Mirabai's devotion that it commanded the living presence of Lord Krishna. She was a mystic of the highest order and belonged to the bhakti cult of North India. Her composure of countenance betrays the loverlike nature of her reverence, which is one of the many schools of bhakti. For the resplendence of the oils and the spiritual ethos of the theme alone would this painti
Such was the depth of Mirabai's devotion that it commanded the living presence of Lord Krishna.
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
This exquisite painting displays Krishna’s childhood pastime in the traditional Tanjore style. The precision with which it has been made and the use of vibrant colors makes it appealing and breathtaking. Lord Krishna being the Supreme Lord, appeared just like an ordinary child in Vrindavan but His naughty and uncommon activities were always astonishing for all the inhabitants of Vraja including
This exquisite painting displays Krishna’s childhood pastime in the traditional Tanjore style. The
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Tanjore paintings are famous for their unique depictions of devotional icons with pure gold coating and vivid colors. In this painting, Lord Venkateshavara stands straight atop a small elevated platform in His four-armed form (chaturbhuja). He is unprecedently dressed in a perfectly pleated pitambar (bright yellow) dhoti down to His ankles. Between the two fingers of His upper hands, He holds His
Tanjore paintings are famous for their unique depictions of devotional icons with pure gold coating
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Indian contemporary art mainly focuses on portraits. In this oil painting, the artist captures a middle-aged woman decorating herself. The woman is illustrated with a porcelain complexion, with her lovely countenance being etched with small almond eyes, a wide Nubian nose, and watermelon pink lips that complement her deep philtrum and her harmonizing nail paint. Her crimson red bindiya contrasts h
Indian contemporary art mainly focuses on portraits. In this oil painting, the artist captures a mid
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Goddess Durga then fought Mahishasura over a period of fifteen days during which he kept changing his shape to become different animals and misled her. Mahishasura believed that there is no woman in the world who could cause him any harm. The legend continues, Mahishasura, high on the power of "immortality", attacked Trilok (the three worlds of earth, heaven and hell) with his army. He e
Goddess Durga then fought Mahishasura over a period of fifteen days during which he kept changing hi
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This large size miniature, a contemporary work of art rendered in late Mughal art style of around 1740-50 AD, assimilating into it some Persian art elements too, especially in portraying the topography of the land and in the choice of palette, illustrates the legend of Laila and Majnun, a world-wide known, painted and sung tale of mad love with tragic end. Laila's Watercolor Painting:
This large size miniature, a contemporary work of art rendered in late Mughal art style of around 17
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Yantra is as known as ideal meditation tools used by many. Meanwhile, a Shri Yantra is considered one of the most powerful ones as it represents the entirety of the cosmos, making it be known as the Mother of all Yantras. Overlapping hexagrams symbolize the union between male and female aspects of the divine as well as the depth of Tantric practice. The triangles pointed downwards represent the fe
Yantra is as known as ideal meditation tools used by many. Meanwhile, a Shri Yantra is considered on
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She lacks neither beauty nor wealth. A powerful woman, not quite past her prime, sits with her legs crossed on a seat of red velvet and brocade cushions. She directs her gaze straight ahead of her, with all the confidence of the eldest bahuraani (daughter-in-law) in the absence of her mother-in-law. She is probably blessed with the love of more than one son in addition to her husband’s. In this
She lacks neither beauty nor wealth. A powerful woman, not quite past her prime, sits with her legs
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The merciless Durga brings the great Mahishasura to His knees. Her simhavahana (lion-mount) has him between its teeth, while the dashabhujadharini (the one possessed of ten arms) push Him down with Her feet and drives the spear end of Her trishoola (trident) into Him. Helplessly, the proud Mahishasura looks up at the feminine victor. The work of art that you see on this page is a pattachitra of th
The merciless Durga brings the great Mahishasura to His knees. Her simhavahana (lion-mount) has him
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In this Spirit Of Enlightenment Mandala Thangka Painting, the sacred hum symbol is at the heart of this mandala. Thick, white strokes of the brush against a scarlet-colored circlet. Painted in the Tibetan script, it is the final syllable of the Shadakshari Avalokiteshvara mantra, which is extracted from the Mahayana Karandavyuhasootra and is considered the moola (fundamental) mantra of Buddhism. A
In this Spirit Of Enlightenment Mandala Thangka Painting, the sacred hum symbol is at the heart of t
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Perfect shades of vibrant colors and the sharp beauty of lord Ganesha, who stands in his nritya (dance) posture on a high pedestal decorated with lotus petals at the top and two multi-wick diyas of devotion on either side, majorly enhance picturesque aspects of this oil painting. The oval aureole bordered with full-grown multicolored flowers enhances the auspiciousness of this elephant god; garbed
Perfect shades of vibrant colors and the sharp beauty of lord Ganesha, who stands in his nritya (dan
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Goddess Durga is a main diety in Hindu Religion. She is associated with protection, strength, motherhood, destruction, and wars. Her legend centers around combating evils and demonic forces that threaten peace, prosperity, and Dharma the power of good over evil. Durga is believed to unleash her divine wrath against the wicked for the liberation of the oppressed and entails destruction to empower c
Goddess Durga is a main diety in Hindu Religion. She is associated with protection, strength, mother
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On a throne of cut-glass lotus petals kneels Lord Hanuman. The right knee grazes the surface of the throne, the left foot set against the same. Against the knee jutting out laterally rests His goad, the weapon that is indispensable to the cebine iconography of Lord Hanuman. Like the jewels on the body of the warrior deity, His weapon is engraved and studded with pearls and rubies. A red and blue d
On a throne of cut-glass lotus petals kneels Lord Hanuman. The right knee grazes the surface of the
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A painting of the ethereal goddess Green Tara on a strip of soft, lace-like fabric. She is the queen of the Buddhist heavens as She sits on the belly of a pale-colored lotus bloom, Her long, slender legs gathered in Her characteristic bhadrasana. The right foot in Green Tara thangka paintings is usually poised discretely as could be seen in this traditional Tibetan thangka painting. The back of He
A painting of the ethereal goddess Green Tara on a strip of soft, lace-like fabric. She is the queen
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N. Harichandan of Orissa is one of the artists who are capable of encapsulating abstract art in the most beautiful way. Abstract art is the use of shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks to achieve the effect of visual reality. In this painting, the artist has encapsulated a labyrinth, mostly referred to as a maze which is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. In the modern world, it is a
N. Harichandan of Orissa is one of the artists who are capable of encapsulating abstract art in the
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The ashtabhujadhari Lord Ganesha, the one possessed of (‘dhari’) eight (‘ashta’) arms (‘bhuja’), stands on His short, chubby child’s legs. His adorable elephant head is turned sideways, revealing the lateral profile of His face to view. But for the gold predominating this Tanjore painting, it is a bitone composition in pale pink (the complexion of His form) and scarlet (the solid-col
The ashtabhujadhari Lord Ganesha, the one possessed of (‘dhari’) eight (‘ashta’) arms (‘bh
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Interior Wall Painting - Hire the top-rated interior wall painting contractors with the best painters, and choose the best interior painting service for your dream space from PaintMyWalls. Our team uses the best equipment, includes dedicated craftsmen, and completes your job in the nick of time.
Interior Wall Painting - Hire the top-rated interior wall painting contractors with the best painter
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Madhubani Folk Art Painting-Fish Mandala Art
Madhubani Folk Art Painting-Fish Mandala Art
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We are providing electrostatic painting service in Florida at reasonable prices to commercial and residential properties. Call us Today for any inquiry!
We are providing electrostatic painting service in Florida at reasonable prices to commercial and re
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This unique Tanjore Painting contains a lavish use of authentic 24K Gold befitting our Supreme God Venkateshwara of Tirupati. Balaji Tanjore Painting: Tanjore Painting:
This unique Tanjore Painting contains a lavish use of authentic 24K Gold befitting our Supreme God V
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In Tibetan Buddhism, Chemchok Heruka is most notably known to be the focal divinity in the Fifty-eight Wrathful Deities mandala where he is the furious aspect of Samantabhadra. These 58 deities are said to be wrathful deities one can meet in death and rebirth. He is also known as the Mahottara Heruka. Meanwhile, in the Guhyagarbha Tantra, he is the main deity among the herukas of the Eight Command
In Tibetan Buddhism, Chemchok Heruka is most notably known to be the focal divinity in the Fifty-eig
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This brilliant painting, oil on canvas, as large as four by six feet, rendered in modern art style but with a mythical theme, represents the ten-armed Devi – Goddess, killing the buffalo demon Mahisha, better known as Mahishasura. The goddess is attended on her right by goddess Lakshmi carrying a lotus in her right hand, and a pot of gems, in her left, and on her left, by goddess Saraswati carry
This brilliant painting, oil on canvas, as large as four by six feet, rendered in modern art style b
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The simhavahini Devi Durga is a sight to behold. She is a powerful feminine presence, born to annihilate adharma at the very root. She fulfills a purpose that is beyond the scope of the entire Hindu deva pantheon, Mahishasuravadha, or the slaying (‘vadha’) of the buffalo-demon (Mahishasura). She is as strong as She is beautiful, as invincible as She is fair, as omnipotent as She is nariroopa (
The simhavahini Devi Durga is a sight to behold. She is a powerful feminine presence, born to annihi
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